This blog will chronicle my comments and other critical articles, cartoons and videos. Time has come for us to put America first and Party 2nd. This page will have the good, bad and ugly of Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians alike, but will always offer pluralistic solutions effective June 8, 2012

Monday, February 11, 2013

So fucking what if John Brenan is a Muslim?


As a Muslim I am sick of the radicals among us, and as a Republican I am sick of the radicals among us. The one gratifying fact is, we can find them all quarantined in one cess pool of GOP. Thank God much of the GOP is clean, and it is time for us to pray for these sickos.


It is time for us, chicken shit moderate Republicans to speak up before they ruin the GOP and lose the house in 2014. We need Patriotic Republicans to speak up for the sake of our nation. The majority of us Republicans are good, caring sensible moderate humans.

As a Muslim, I was sick of the radicals among us who attempted to take over and represent Islam with their extremism label, and it took us nearly ten years to condemn them to retreat. We still have many years to subdue them, but we do have the balls to do it over a period of time for the sake of common good of humanity. This is the decade of moderation, and caring for the whole humanity.

As a Republican, I will do my share of the common good and urge fellow Republicans to do the same; we owe it to our nation to preserve a strong two party system through legitimate arguments and discussions. We need to speak out against filth, and shout out against the rhetoric like John Brenan is a Muslim, so what if he is? What the fuck is your problem?

Statistically these radicals are insignificant in numbers; they are not even a sample to call them a representation of the group. It would be dumb on our part to encourage them to believe that they express the sentiments of the people, they are not, and we need the polls.  Whether they are Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Republicans or Democrats or the other, they will continue to terrorize the majority of their respective group, if we let them.

Not a day goes without some dumb-ass fellow Republican making an ass of himself and sadly herself as well. I was going to write a journal on the stupidities of my party members… then gave up; it will take up all day long. I do hope more and more Americans will see the ugliness.

It is time for Chris Christie, John Huntsman, Colin Powell and their likes to jump in. I do expect President Obama and Speaker Boehner to speak out against this, wouldn't you?

First they came for Muslims, and I did not speak up,
because I was not one of "them";

Then  they came for Jews, and I did not speak up,
because I was not one of "them".

They exhausted Mexicans, African Americans and Catholics,
and I did not care, because I was a protestant.

Finally they ambushed me, and shamelessly I am cursing at the others
for not giving a shit about me.

I have rarely used an expletive, that is not me, but I could not express my frustration without these words, I cannot see my America shattered by the few ugly ones.

Brenan on Islam - 

.... Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, peace, Islam, Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.

1 comment:

  1. The Michael Manifesto-

    Obama’s pick for CIA Director is a White Muslim? How come none of the media has mentioned this? Because of the sick political correctness of thinking that talking about Islam in a negative manner is racist…when the fact is, it’s not, it’s speaking the truth and that’s just being a good American.

    Collin Powell would respond with ‘”So what if he is a Muslim?” And Hillary Clinton would say, “What difference does it make?” As if questioning if somebody is a Muslim is bigotry, and absolutely nothing wrong with being a Muslim, and the President of the United States has used his position to declare to the world that Islam is honorable and the Quran Holy, and that he does not support free speech that insults Muslims, and even blamed a terrorist attack on our sacred Free Speech, and ‘misguided individuals who made the mistake of slandering Mohammed, and hurting the feelings of many Muslims.

    I will answer the question of those asking ‘What difference does it make?’ I am a Protestant Christian. Islam came on the scene 666 years after the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, being introduced by an Arab camel salesman named Mohammed, who claimed one night that an ‘angry angel’ had used physical violence on him, choking him, demanding that he recite (Quarn) repeat the message of the ‘angry angel’ – THAT GOD DID NOT BEGET A SON! (Interesting to read Matthew 4 to see that this was the same point Satan tried to make)

    Mohammed told his Catholic wife that he was attacked by what he considered a demon, but his wife convinced him that it had to be the angel Gabriel, and therefore he must be a prophet and write down in a book what the ‘Angel’ had told him, which is why today Mohammed is called the ‘greatest of all prophets’, even though he had no miracles to confirm such a claim, and even history records that he acted cowardly during battles in which he would hid in his tent ‘praying for victory’ and coming out only to cast pebbles towards the enemy, yet Mohammed is given such honor that the Supreme Court is home to his image, his Quran, his sword…standing with Moses and the Ten Commandments, equal to other ‘lawgivers’ and why today, the only displays of the Ten Commandments must include the writings of other men as to be perceived as being equal to the Words of God.

    And that’s not the only undue honor being given to this coward Mohammed…Obama has declared that the Quran is ‘Holy’ and Islam honorable, and even went as far to blame our sacred Free Speech on the cause of chaos and carnage taking place as a result of his ‘New Beginnig’ AKA Arab Spring, and now the United Nations is trying to make it a crime to say anything negative about Mohammed or his writtings, the Quran-which literally means to ‘recite’ to ‘say’ or ‘repeat’ (that GOD BEGETS NOT NOR WAS BEGOTTEN) Mohammed says, ‘feel free to make false oaths and false treaties, to take the lands by force, by the sword, to destroy the non-believers until Islam rules the entire world, feel free to use violence and terror, use the sword to spread the message of Anti-Christ, of this false prophet Mohammed and his criminal organization disguised as a religion, a hostile religion of terrorist, who believe (if they are a real Muslim) that people like me (those who ‘say’ that God did beget a Son) are worthy of death, that it is a Capitol offense and unforgivable sin to ‘speak’ such a thing, so according to Obama who is assisting this Antichrist False Prophet by providing them with weapons violating our laws and the Word (2nd John) We will not allow anybody to be in a position of power or authority over us who has the religious obligation or instructed to subject us, persecute us or kill us, or to take our faith and freedoms, for they are the enemy. We don’t bow, nor will we remain silent…so go ahead, phone a drone, I’m not home.
